$50,000 Email Campaign System individual mockup.png

30-day email campaign ideas


Email campaigns are one-off emails that you send out to your list. They’re not automated, you send them out manually or schedule it beforehand.

Preferably send 1-2 weekly emails to your user/email list. This helps you provide value and stay on top of their mind

1 email = Actionable and easy-to-implement educational email

1 email = Storytelling-based ‘humanized’ email talking about your personal experience(s)

<aside> 💡 Welcome to 30-day plug-n-play SaaS email campaigns

Problem: “I don’t know what emails to send out. I have no ideas and I don’t have experience in writing emails. How do I get started?”

Here are the 7 content buckets I’ve used to create this 30-day email marketing content calendar:


Read this before you write any email:

30-day Email campaign calendar:

Day 1

Day 3

Day 5

Day 7

Day 10

Day 14

Day 17

Day 20

Day 24

Day 28

Next steps:

Onto $50,000 Email Gamification Blueprint