<aside> 💡 Day 5: This email is social proof-based email. We want to show them how people like them have achieved their dream outcome even when the odds were stacked against them. This will open their mind to new possibilities and give a sense of belief in them!



Email #14 (Day 5):

Subject: Our customers are crushing it and you can too!

Hey [First Name],

I wanted to share some inspiring stories from our customers who are absolutely killing it with our products/services. If they can do it, you can too!

Check out what some of our customers are saying:

We're not just blowing smoke when we say we've got some of the most kick-ass customers out there.

And if you're not one of them yet, what are you waiting for? Get in on the action and be the next rockstar in our success stories!

As Will Smith says, 'The best things in life are on the other side of terror, on the other side of your maximum fear, are all of the best things in life.

Take the plunge now:

[insert link]

[Your Name]

[Your Company]