<aside> 💡 Day 3: The aim of this email is to motivate/inspire them to take action and work towards their goals. Take in consideration that we’re not telling them to buy from us, we want them to take action and achieve their dream outcome, work on it using anyway possible!



Email #13 (Day 3):

Subject Line: Let's Overcome These Challenges Together! 🤜🤛

Hey there [Subscriber Name],

We know that life can be tough, and it can throw some pretty mean punches.

But like Yoda once said, "Do or do not, there is no try." So let's do this together! 💪

We want you to know that setbacks are a part of the journey. They don't have to be the end of it. We'll be right there with you every step of the way.

When things get tough, do some air punches like Rocky Balboa. 🥊

But seriously, we know that setbacks can be frustrating and discouraging

That's why we're here to support you.

We want to be your cheerleaders, your sounding board, and your partner in overcoming any challenges that come your way.

So let's do this! We believe in you, and we know that together, we can accomplish anything. 💪

Keep pushing forward,

[Your Name]

CTA: Hit reply and tell us about a time you overcame a challenge and how you did it!