<aside> 💡 Day 14: This email is going to be light hearted and fun. You can talk about a funny incident that happened with your team or at your workplace. We want to show them our human and witty side, and make them trust us!



Email #17 (Day 14):

Subject Line: You won't believe what happened at [SaaS Name] today! 😱

Hey [Subscriber Name],

I had to reach out and share the craziest thing that happened at [SaaS Name] today! 🤯

So, we were hanging out in the office, minding our own business.

All of a sudden, our CEO comes in and challenges us to a game of ping-pong.

Now, you have to understand, our CEO is like a ping-pong ninja. We all thought we were going to get destroyed.

But then, something incredible happened.

Our intern, who's like this undercover ping-pong pro, stepped up to the plate and showed our CEO who's boss.

It was like David and Goliath, except David was wearing a business suit and Goliath was holding a paddle. 😂

I had a blast, and it reminded us why I love working at [SaaS Name]. It's not just about the work; it's about the people and the culture.

So, I just wanted to reach out and share a little bit of our craziness with you.

I hope it brought a smile to your face!

Have an awesome day!

[Your Name]

CTA: Hit reply and tell us about a crazy moment at your workplace!