Business is War. You’re going on a war against your competitors who want to capture the remaining market share and take away your customers. Don’t let them do that. I have a secret weapon for you:

I like to call ‘Email Marketing’ the Swiss Army Knife of Marketing Weapons. This is because it can solve numerous problems especially those on product, marketing, distribution and growth hacking side of things. I’ll prove this weapon will enhance your army:

SaaS Email Marketing Playbook.png

Problem #1: No way to nurture new users

Imagine if you ask a random person on the street:

‘Pls buy my product. It costs $99/mo’

Most people will laugh at you thinking you’re crazy

Yet that’s how most founders approach sales.

But not you…you’re different

You will educate and entertain the user. Tell them stories. Show your humane side. Help solve their problems.

Then you go for the ask. And then the users won’t think you’re crazy

They’ll happily pay for your product

<aside> 💡 How email marketing can nurture new users consistently:

You can write, setup and automate evergreen nurture email flows. These emails are triggered whenever a new user signs up. So you can nurture users on autopilot


Problem #3: No system to provide value

Your users will only buy from you if you help them solve their problems

And the best way to provide value is to send educational and actionable emails to them

Here are some actionable email formats you can try out:

<aside> 💡 How email marketing can provide more value to your users:

Email campaigns (Email broadcasts) - Send 1 email every week to your users helping them solve 1 problem they want to solve and give actionable steps to solve it. Do it every week


Problem #5: Low MRR/LTV

Emails are one of the highest ROI marketing channels

This is because an email list is always profitable - You can promote your offers anytime and ask users to upgrade

When users upgrade to paid plans, your company's monthly recurring revenue automatically increases

<aside> 💡 How email marketing can increase your MRR/LTV:

Ascension automated email flow #1 to make users upgrade from free plan to mid-tier plan Ascension automated email flow #2 to make users upgrade from mid-tier to highest-tier plan

These emails flows will only be triggered to interested buyers so you can increase your MRR/LTV while keeping your reputation intact


Problem #7: Generic/Vague messaging

The great era of AI is here. What does that mean for you?

More AI content, more robotic shit and more non-personalized messages

YUCK! You want to avoid that…

The need for humanized and authentic messaging will take over

With emails, you can send personalized messages to your users that are highly relevant to them

You’ll build a ‘Humanized’ brand

<aside> 💡 How email marketing can help you send personalized messages:

You can segment users based on their interests and behaviors. Then sending relevant messages to them for higher engagement. Showing our humane side to them and ultimately getting them to become raving fans


Problem #2: No trust/rapport with users

The #1 killer of software products: No trust with the users

Take any successful software product company:

All of the companies have one thing in common: a loyal user base and a strong community

To achieve that, you need to ‘humanize’ your message - and build trust with your users

You want to avoid sounding ‘bot-like’ or write corporate-style emails screaming ‘We,we,we…’

<aside> 💡 How email marketing can help build trust/rapport with users:

Every 7-10 days, send an email highlighting an interesting story or incident that happened in the past week. Doesn't have to be super good, just an authentic and real story. Keep it emotional


Problem #4: High churn rate

Emails can also help you reduce churn…do you know how?


Send emails that remind them to use the product often

One more thing…

If a user expresses a desire to quit using your product trigger a churn handling email flow

It will help persuade the user to try the product a final time. If the user still wants to leave you might want to get his valuable feedback before he leaves

<aside> 💡 How email marketing can reduce your churn:

You can write, setup and automate churn handling email flow that will be automatically triggered when a user expresses the desire to quit using your product. The emails will convince the user to stay using ethical persuasion


Problem #6: Too many inactive users

We tend to forget a lot of things, especially in today’s day and age

And your product is no different. Your users will keep forgetting that your product even exists

You need to remind them to use the product again and again…with emails

You can write and set up an automated win-back email flow triggered to inactive users

<aside> 💡 How email marketing can revive inactive users:

You can write a win-back email flow to remind them of your product. Incentivizing them for coming back, using the product and exclusive offers for them


Problem #8: No referrals

Initiating a referral flywheel takes work. You need to do 100s of tasks to set up everything and ask for referrals

But what if you had automations to do it for you on autopilot?

You can trigger referral email flow to the most engaged users.

Give them a good incentive in exchange for referring your product to their family and friends

<aside> 💡 How email marketing can help you get a stream of new referrals:

Trigger an email flow to the most engaged users and incentivize them for referring to their family and friends. All on autopilot, hands-off


SaaS Email Marketing Playbook (1).png

Bonus benefit:

No User loyalty

Email helps you stay on top of your user's minds

When you become omnipresent your product is the natural first choice for them

They won't go to your competitors. And with the above elements in place user loyalty is just a by-product

<aside> 💡 How email marketing can help increase user loyalty:

Emails will help you stay on top of your mind. The more emails they read, the more value they’ll get and the more attached they feel to your product and brand. Pair this with other


Next steps:

On to $50,000 SaaS Email Personas