SaaS Email personas individual mockup.png

It is a sin to start writing emails without doing this first:


You cannot shoot arrows in the dark. the same case applies to marketing as well

You cannot write good emails If you don't know who the reader is

That’s why you need to define the reader and know him/her well

If you know exactly who you are talking to, your emails will be clear and easy to read

Your message will cut through the noise and captivate your reader to read more

The problem

Marketers make it very difficult to define the reader

Age, gender, income range, education, what books they read blah blah blah

As a founder you don't need to overcomplicate things

Answer these 4 questions:

That’s it. You don't need to answer a hundred different questions. This will take less than 5 mins to do.

Let me show how easy it is to fill this up with an example