Just having a broad service offering isn’t enough, particular for high ticket offers. This is why it’s important to include a comprehensive explanation and list as to what it is that’s included in your offering. This why the perceived value increases, and allows users to justify paying for your product or service. Customers are spending money, so it’s imperative that that they know EXACTLY WHAT THEY’RE GETTING FOR THEIR MONEY.

Why it’s important to have:

  1. It clarifies your Offering: A "what's included" section helps visitors understand exactly what they will receive when they engage with your product or service. It provides clarity on the features, benefits, and components of your offering, reducing confusion and uncertainty. This also handles any questions that they may have as everything has been laid out. ✔️
  2. Sets Expectations: By outlining what is included in your offering, you set clear expectations for potential customers about what they can expect to receive. This helps manage their expectations and ensures they understand the value they will get in exchange for their investment. This prevents hiccups later down the road where users may claim they weren’t given something they were promised ✔️
  3. Highlights Value Proposition: The "what's included" section is an opportunity to highlight the key features, benefits, and value propositions of your product or service. It allows you to showcase the most compelling aspects of your offering and communicate why it's worth the customer's time and money. One of the best chances to convince the user that what you have is worth the money. ✔️
  4. Differentiates From Competitors: Your list of included features and benefits may be a unique selling point that sets you apart from competitors. Highlighting what's included on your landing page allows you to showcase your unique offerings and demonstrate why customers should choose you over alternatives. HOT TIP: If you have unique offerings included, you can highlight this within the section that they don’t get this anywhere else. ✔️
  5. Builds Trust: Clearly listing what is included in your offering builds trust with potential customers by providing transparency and demonstrating that you have nothing to hide. It shows that you are upfront about what customers will receive and helps build confidence in your brand. This shows your confidence as you have laid out everything they’ll receive, which will increase their confidence in you. ✔️
  6. Reduces Friction: Providing a comprehensive list of what's included reduces friction in the buying process by addressing common questions and concerns upfront. This can help streamline the decision-making process and make it easier for visitors to move forward with a purchase or conversion. ✔️
  7. Improves User Experience: Clear communication of what's included enhances the overall user experience by providing valuable information that helps visitors make decisions. It reduces the need for them to search for information elsewhere and makes it easier for them to understand the benefits of your offering. The easier you make it for them to buy from you, the more likely it is that they’ll buy from you. ✔️

How to implement a ‘What’s included section’ effectively?

  1. Identify Key Features and Benefits: Start by identifying the key features and benefits of your product or service that you want to highlight in the "what's included" section. Consider what sets your offering apart from competitors and what aspects are most valuable to your target audience.✔️
  2. Organize the Information: Organize the features and benefits into logical categories or sections to make it easier for visitors to digest the information. Group related features together and consider using headings or bullet points to break up the text and improve readability. This makes it easier for the user to understand the different aspects of your offering, and things won’t be confusing to analyse. 📊
  3. Use Clear and Concise Language: Write clear and concise descriptions for each feature or benefit, using language that is easy for visitors to understand. Avoid technical jargon or industry-specific terms that may confuse or overwhelm them. Make sure the each aspect of this section is something that adds value. 🖹
  4. Highlight Unique Selling Points: Use the "what's included" section to highlight any unique selling points or advantages of your offering. Focus on the aspects that differentiate you from competitors and communicate why customers should choose your product or service. Make sure that each aspect of this section is something that adds value, if it’s something included that they don’t care about then leave it. 💰
  5. Use Visuals: Incorporate visuals such as icons, images, or graphics to complement the text and make the "what's included" section more visually appealing. Visuals can help reinforce the message and make the information easier to digest. This gives a more visual expression of your offering, and if they can see it, they’ll believe it. 🖥️
  6. Keep it Scannable: Make sure the "what's included" section is easy to scan and navigate. Use headings, bullet points, or short paragraphs to break up the text and make it more digestible for visitors who are quickly skimming the page. The more knowledge they have of what they’re getting, the more confident they’ll be in making a decision.



