The last thing you want to do is put users off your offering as they think it’s too good to be true. They have seen the value, but they just don’t think its viable, so they click off. This is where the process section comes in, going through the HOW, outlining the process of how you will offer the user the benefits that you have listed. This is key in establishing trust as there is a system behind what you do.

Why outline the process is key:

  1. It Clarifies the Journey: A process section helps visitors understand the steps they need to take to achieve their desired outcome. It provides clarity and removes uncertainty, making it easier for visitors to navigate the conversion process. This Builds trust 🚀
  2. Sets Expectations: By outlining the steps involved in your process, you set clear expectations for visitors about what they can expect at each stage. This helps manage their expectations and reduces the likelihood of confusion or frustration. This shows your authority, as the user knows there are many steps to be followed in order to achieve your desired outcome. 🏆
  3. Builds Trust: A well-defined process puts confidence in potential customers by demonstrating that you have a structured approach to delivering your product or service. It shows that you have thought through the journey and have a plan in place to guide customers to success. The process shows your confidence, and if you’re confident in your service, they will be confident in you. 🔒
  4. Highlights Value Proposition: The process section is an opportunity to highlight the value proposition of your offering at each stage of the journey. It allows you to showcase the benefits and advantages of your product or service at key touchpoints, reinforcing its value to the customer. 💰
  5. Differentiates From Competitors: Your process may be a unique selling point that sets you apart from competitors. Highlighting your process on the landing page allows you to showcase what makes your approach special and why customers should choose you over alternatives. ✔️
  6. Educates Visitors: For complex or unfamiliar products or services, a process section can serve as an educational tool to help visitors understand how your offering works and how it can benefit them. It breaks down the information into manageable chunks and makes it easier to digest. This could also handle any objections about your service/product being too complex as they have now been shown a simplified journey of how everything works. 🏫

How to implement the Process section Effectively

  1. Understand Your Process: Start by clearly defining the steps involved in your product or service journey. Break down the process into sequential stages, from initial contact to completion, and identify any key milestones or actions that customers need to take. ✔️
  2. Outline the Steps: Once you have a clear understanding of your process, outline the steps in a logical and sequential order. Use simple language that is easy for visitors to understand, and avoid technical jargon or industry-specific terms that may confuse them. This comes down to understanding your audience. ✔️
  3. Visualize the Process: Consider using visual elements such as icons, illustrations, or diagrams to visualize the steps in your process. Visual aids can help make the process easier to understand and more engaging for visitors. Make as visually appealing as possible to resemble an actual journey, try to use a timeline if you can✔️
  4. Provide Descriptions: For each step in the process, provide a brief description that explains what happens at that stage and why it's important. Focus on the benefits or outcomes that customers can expect at each step to highlight the value of your offering. This further reinforces that you have systems in place that are of benefit ✔️
  5. Use Clear Headings: Use clear and descriptive headings to label each step in the process. Headings should be concise yet informative, giving visitors a clear idea of what each step entails.✔️
  6. Highlight Key Features: If there are specific features or aspects of your product or service that are particularly noteworthy, highlight them within the process section. This could include unique selling points, benefits, or advantages that set you apart from competitors.✔️
  7. Incorporate Testimonials or Case Studies: To add credibility and social proof, consider incorporating testimonials or case studies that demonstrate how previous customers have successfully navigated the process and achieved their goals. Real-life examples can help build trust and confidence in your offering. Having a testimonial per process is even better, as it shows that there is value in EVERY part of the offering✔️
  8. Include Calls-to-Action (CTAs): At the end of the process section, include relevant calls-to-action (CTAs) that prompt visitors to take the next step in the journey. This could be inviting them to sign up for a free trial, request a demo, or contact your sales team for more information.✔️

