
This email flow is triggered to users who haven't used your products for a particular period of time or haven't opened any of your emails in the past few months

We want to remind them of what they have missed in the past few months

Then bribe them with free stuff and resources to use the product and read the emails


Replace the bold text in brackets with your own text.

Don't forget to add your "from" name and subject line in the emails.

Email #1: Email triggering FOMO

Subject: where have you been?

Hey [User's Name],

I checked some records with my team and guess what?
I saw you haven't used [insert your SaaS name] for a long time. Also you haven't opened any of our emails for the past [X] weeks/months.

Is everything around you okay? I genuinely care about how you're doing, and I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to drop me a line – your voice matters!

Let me know if you need help with anything. I'm just a DM away:
[insert DM link]

Thank you
[Your Name]

Email #2: Catch Up on Top Content

Subject: you missed everything 

Hey [User's Name],

Guess what? While you were away, you missed quite a lotof exciting things.
Last month I released a [video/audio/blog/tweet/post] talking about:
- [insert topic #1]
- [insert topic #2] 
- [insert topic #3] 

 From blog posts to YouTube videos, Twitter threads to Instagram stories – I've got a treasure trove waiting for you.

Here's the link to our top YT videos:
[insert link]

If you prefer reading blogs, here's what you missed out on:
[insert link]

Dropped some bombs on [insert podcast name] too:
[insert link]

Get ready to get your mind blown!

Thank you
[Your Name]

Email #3: Update Your Email

Subject: did your email change?

Hello [User's Name],

Just a quick check-in – have you switched up your go-to email recently? I want to make sure I'm reaching you where you're most active.

Since you haven't opened any of our emails in the past [X] weeks/months I thought you might've changed your primary email address

If you've got a new email or if your primary one has changed, let me know by hitting reply. 

Also, I've got a simple form [include link] where you can update your details – quick and hassle-free.

Thanks for helping me stay connected, [Your Name]

Email #4: Quick Survey for Better Service

Subject: complain here 

Hey [User's Name],

Your opinion counts big time! I'm on a mission to make your experience even better, and that's why I'm asking for just 30 seconds of your time to complete this survey 

[include link]

I want to serve you better in the future and help you solve [insert their #1 problem] even faster!

Here's the link again:
 [include link] 

Thank you for the response. I really appreciate it!
[Your Name]