
This email flow aims to nurture them and build a good relationship with them


Replace the bold text in brackets with your own text.

Don't forget to add your "from" name and subject line in the emails.

Email #1: Personal Onboarding Invitation

Subject: You've earned this:

Hello [User's Name], you've earned this

I wanted to offer a personal invitation to you. 

How about a free one-hour call with me or one of our experts? I'll help you navigate your next steps with [product name].

Whether it's setting up, strategizing, or simply finding clarity, this call is all about you. Just let us know when you're available, and we'll make it happen!

[insert calendar link]

I'm looking forward to talking to you
[Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt:

This is email #1 of the Post Product Purchase Email Flow titled 'Personal Onboarding Invitation'. The aim of  Post Product Purchase Email Flow is to nurture and build a good relationship with the paid users to keep them paid users for longer and increase the ARPU

The aim of this 'email' is to thank them for upgrading to the paid plan recently and inviting them on a personal 1-1 call with the founder or one of the experts to help them use our SaaS products better

Here's some more context and info that you might need to fill in the emails:
[product name] = 

Here's the template:
'Subject: Congratulations [User Name]

Hey [User Name]

I want to personally congratulate you for upgrading to [paid plan name].

I admire your dedication and passion for investing in your brand! 

That’s why, I want to offer a personal invitation to you.

How about a free one-hour call with me or one of our experts? I'll help you navigate your next steps with [product name].

Whether it's setting up, strategizing, or simply finding clarity, this call is all about you. Just let us know when you're available, and we'll make it happen!

[insert calendar link]

I'm looking forward to talking to you
[Your Name]'

Some more instructions:
- Write like a human writing to a human reader
- Avoid using complicated words
- Use 5th-grade reading-level language
- You're allowed to have a little bit of creativity and flexibility while writing the emails. You can elaborate on some parts of the email but make sure everything is relevant to the email and email flow.

Now write the email based on the template and info I've given and make sure to follow all the instructions.

Email #2: Best content compilation email

Subject: You cannot miss these

Hello [User's Name],

Are you in the mood to learn more about how to [insert the problem you solve]?

Look no further – I've curated the finest videos, blogs, and threads from this month. I want to enlighten, entertain and empower you at the same time

This took me 1 full day to compile- here you can access it for free:

Here's to growth and learning, [Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt:

This is email #2 of the Post Product Purchase Email Flow titled 'Best content compilation email'. The aim of  Post Product Purchase Email Flow is to nurture and build a good relationship with the paid users to keep them paid users for longer and increase the ARPU

The aim of this 'email' is to give the reader/user all the resources like blogs, videos, articles and informational content to consume so we're able to provide value to him and show our authority to the reader

Here's some more context and info that you might need to fill in the emails:
[insert the problem you solve] = 

Here's the template:
'Subject: You cannot miss these

Hello [User's Name],

Are you in the mood to learn more about how to [insert the problem you solve]?

Look no further – I've curated the finest videos, blogs, and threads from this month. I want to enlighten, entertain and empower you at the same time

This took me 1 full day to compile- here you can access it for free:

Here's to growth and learning, [Your Name]'

Some more instructions:
- Write like a human writing to a human reader
- Avoid using complicated words
- Use 5th-grade reading-level language
- You're allowed to have a little bit of creativity and flexibility while writing the emails. You can elaborate on some parts of the email but make sure everything is relevant to the email and email flow.

Now write the email based on the template and info I've given and make sure to follow all the instructions.

Email #3: Exclusive Group Invitation

Subject: your inner circle invitation is here

Hey [User's Name],

Imagine connecting with fellow passionate individuals who are on the same journey as you. Talking to them, getting their guidance and getting mentored by the best [insert avatar name] in the industry. Let me ask you:
Wouldn't it be great?

The inner circle is reserved for [insert sexy community member name] like you – those who dream big and are taking massive strides.

I'd love to invite you to join this inspiring community where you can share insights, exchange ideas, and grow together. Ready to jump in and connect?
[insert link to the community]

[Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt:

This is email #3 of the Post Product Purchase Email Flow titled 'Exclusive Group/community Invitation'. The aim of  Post Product Purchase Email Flow is to nurture and build a good relationship with the paid users to keep them paid users for longer and increase the ARPU.

The aim of this 'email' is to invite the exclusive paid users to an exclusive community/group only available to paid users like them. We want to show the benefits of joining the group and urge them to join it

Here's some more context and info that you might need to fill in the emails:
[insert avatar name] = 

Here's the template:
'Subject: your inner circle invitation is here

Hey [User's Name],

Imagine connecting with fellow passionate individuals who are on the same journey as you. Talking to them, getting their guidance and getting mentored by the best [insert avatar name] in the industry. Let me ask you:
Wouldn't it be great?

The inner circle is reserved for [insert sexy community member name] like you – those who dream big and are taking massive strides.

I'd love to invite you to join this inspiring community where you can share insights, exchange ideas, and grow together. Ready to jump in and connect?
[insert link to the community]

[Your Name]'

Some more instructions:
- Write like a human writing to a human reader
- Avoid using complicated words
- Use 5th-grade reading-level language
- You're allowed to have a little bit of creativity and flexibility while writing the emails. You can elaborate on some parts of the email but make sure everything is relevant to the email and email flow.

Now write the email based on the template and info I've given and make sure to follow all the instructions.