Actions they can take Points to be assigned
Clicking on the email 1
Clicking on the CTA 1
Replying to the email with one word 2
Replying to the email in sentences 3
Sharing email with their friend 4
Taking a small 2-minute survey 3
Taking a small 5 minute survey 5
Sharing SS of your email on their social media handles 8
Following you on Twitter 5
Following you on Instagram 5
Following you on LinkedIn 5
Following your brand on Twitter 3
Following your brand on Instagram 3
Following your brand on LinkedIn 3
Register for your latest webinar 10
Showing up to the webinar 15
Staying in the webinar the whole time 25
Signing up for free trial of your product 10
Complete the onboarding successfully 7
Referring our product to a friend with affiliate link 20
Leave a review on Trustpilot, GoogleMyBusiness, ProductHunt, or any other 3rd party website 15
Upgrade to the PRO plan 35
Interview with one of our experts 20
Asking how to solve a particular problem to one of our experts 5