
This email flow is used to handle objections of the users who haven't bought yet

We’re nurturing them, providing them value and building a relationship with them so they buy sometime later on in the future


Replace the bold text in brackets with your own text.

Don't forget to add your "from" name and subject line in the emails.

Email #1: Story + Personal Take

Subject: Why [insert popular trend] is bad/good

Hey [User's Name],

I've been in the [insert industry name] for X+ years now. And its the experience that made me what I am now

I wanted to chat about [industry trend], something that's been making waves lately. But guess what? It's not all glitz and glamour – let me share some real, in-the-trenches insights from my journey.

[Share a personal experience or anecdote related to the industry trend]. It wasn't a smooth ride, but it was a journey filled with learning and growth.

Remember, trends come and go, but understanding the nuances can make all the difference. Feel free to hit reply if you want to dive deeper into [industry trend] – I'm here to help!

Wishing you a successful journey, [Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt:

This is email #1 of the Objection Handling Email Flow titled 'Story + Personal Take'. The aim of Objection Handling Email Flow is to break and kill all objections the user or the reader might have about upgrading to the paid plan of our SaaS product. We want to provide them with value and show them our authority with email content.

The aim of this 'email' is to talk about a story and a personal take from the founder himself who has a lot of experience in the industry and share it for the benefit of the user.

Here's some more context and info that you might need to fill in the emails:
[insert popular trend] = 
[insert industry name] = 
[Share a personal experience or anecdote related to the industry trend] = 
[Your Name] =

Here's the template:
'Subject: Why [insert popular trend] is bad/good

Hey [User's Name],

I've been in the [insert industry name] for X+ years now. And its the experience that made me what I am now

I wanted to chat about [industry trend], something that's been making waves lately. But guess what? It's not all glitz and glamour – let me share some real, in-the-trenches insights from my journey.

[Share a personal experience or anecdote related to the industry trend]. It wasn't a smooth ride, but it was a journey filled with learning and growth.

Remember, trends come and go, but understanding the nuances can make all the difference. Feel free to hit reply if you want to dive deeper into [industry trend] – I'm here to help!

Wishing you a successful journey, [Your Name]'

Some more instructions:
- Write like a human writing to a human reader
- Avoid using complicated words
- Use 5th-grade reading-level language
- You're allowed to have a little bit of creativity and flexibility while writing the emails. You can elaborate on some parts of the email but make sure everything is relevant to the email and email flow.

Email #2: Q&A on Top 3-5 FAQs

Subject: You asked for it

Hello [User's Name],

I've been hearing your questions about [specific problems], and I'm excited to help clear the air. There are some questions I receive from the users over and over again.
Since you're new here, I figured these questions might be bothering you so I'm answering those tricky questions:

Q1: [Answer to the first question]. Q2: [Answer to the second question]. Q3: [Answer to the third question].

Feel free to absorb the info, and remember, if you've got more questions or want to dig deeper, I'm just an email away.

Stay curious, [Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt:

This is email #2 of the Objection Handling Email Flow titled 'Q&A on Top 3-5 FAQs'. The aim of Objection Handling Email Flow is to break and kill all objections the user or the reader might have about upgrading to the paid plan of our SaaS product. We want to provide them with value and show them our authority with email content.

The aim of this 'email' is to talk about 3-5 most commonly asked FAQs by our target audience (in this case - ) and answer it for them.

Here's some more context and info that you might need to fill in the emails:
[specific problems] = 

[Your Name] =

Here's the template:
'Subject: You asked for it

Hello [User's Name],

I've been hearing your questions about [specific problems], and I'm excited to help clear the air. There are some questions I receive from the users over and over again.
Since you're new here, I figured these questions might be bothering you so I'm answering those tricky questions:

Q1: [Answer to the first question]. Q2: [Answer to the second question]. Q3: [Answer to the third question].

Feel free to absorb the info, and remember, if you've got more questions or want to dig deeper, I'm just an email away.

Stay curious, [Your Name]'

Some more instructions:
- Write like a human writing to a human reader
- Avoid using complicated words
- Use 5th-grade reading-level language
- Pick out 3-5 most commonly asked questions about the industry by target audience, search for answers and fill in the emails accordingly
- You're allowed to have a little bit of creativity and flexibility while writing the emails. You can elaborate on some parts of the email but make sure everything is relevant to the email and email flow.

Email #3: Common mistakes to avoid in your industry email

Subject: Avoid these mistakes at all costs

Hey [User's Name],

I've got a little nugget of wisdom to share today. 

I see a lot of users  regularly make the same mistakes over and over again

 This prevents them from progressing and they keep failing. I don't want this to happen to you

Here are the 7 mistakes you should avoid while [insert goal they want to achieve]:

[Share a brief story or insights about common mistakes and how to avoid them]. Remember, every setback is a chance to grow smarter.

Keep rockin' [industry] excellence, 
[Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt: