5 Steps to Looking Awesome Instead of Awkward

Want to send mass emails from your Gmail or Outlook inbox… and look awesome in front of the audience receiving the emails? 😎

No need to search on. This is the right guide for you.

We’ll cover:

  1. Three different ways you can send mass emails and which one to choose (summarizing the various suggestions you’d get if you would keep Googling around)
  2. The steps you need to take to send mass emails from Gmail or Outlook (in an easy step-by-step guide)
  3. How to follow up at scale beyond the mass email

3 very different ways to send mass emails (+ what the professionals do)

Googling around and reading different suggestions?

There are many ways to send mass emails, so let us summarize which options there are, and point you to the option that’s right for you. 😄

1. The blind BCC option that everyone hates

We all know this way of sending mass emails. It’s quick and simple, but often has awkward results. And it doesn’t look very professional.

Additionally, you need to mess around with copying a list of recipients in a BCC field in the right way, and this amount of recipients is always limited.

In short: this is almost never the right option. Unless you have no time or don’t care that you will unavoidably look unprofessional. 😟

2. Send mass emails that don’t look personal, using an email service provider like Mailchimp

Need to send a bulk email to more than 2000 people today (and it really needs to be today and today only)? Then this is probably your option of choice. If not, skip to option 3!

The upside of this method is that you can email thousands of people at once, fast.

The downsides of this method are that:

  1. Your email won’t look personal. The trained eye (and people are trained nowadays at detecting mass email) will always see it’s a mass email.