1. How to send cold emails?
    1. Second email domain for outreach?
    2. How many emails to send per day?
    3. What cold email tool to trust?
    4. Warm up your email domain
    5. Improve your email deliverability
    6. How to cold email someone
    7. How to analyze cold email results?
  2. Bottom line

Sending speed, the daily amount of emails, the algorithm of a cold email tool, having a separate domain for outreach, warm-up... these are all factors that influence your performance and deliverability.

In this article, I'll walk you through each of them and leave you with clear instructions on how to cold email someone while skyrocketing your results.

I promise you this - it's not your typical advice. It's magic beans. 😍

We'll talk about:

How to send cold emails?

Nailing these 7 steps will help you master the craft of sending cold emails, avoiding spam filters, maximizing deliverability, and getting results that mean something to your business.

Starting with question one...

Second email domain for outreach?

Everything starts here. Is it a good idea to set up a second domain for email outreach and save the original one from trouble?

Personally, we've used from the beginning of time till today. First it was Guillaume and me sending stuff, then the growth team expanded to 4 members, then 3 salespeople joined, after which 3 more came to form the French marketing team.

Nevertheless, all emails are still being sent from No problems so far!