Let’s take these emails on steroids using the power of AI. I’m going to show you a few prompts you can use to make AI do the heavy work for you. It’ll save you a couple of hours of manual and mind-numbing work in a few seconds:

First, you’ll have to paste the email template into ChatGPT.

Ctrl C + Ctrl V that template!

But wait!

Don't hit the ENTER button just yet.

Use shift+enter to go to the next line. Or the line after that.

Now you enter the following prompt:

This is the template for a [insert the template name] email I’m going to send out to my subscribers/users.
*paste the template here*
But I need your help with some stuff i.e. filling up the brackets in the template so I can use it to send personalized emails to my email list.
Here is the context of my SaaS business that you can go through and insert the necessary info into the brackets:
1. SaaS name: [insert SaaS name]
2. One sentence use case: My SaaS helps [insert target audience] with [insert what your SaaS helps them with] without [insert the biggest obstacle your target audience faces]
3. 3 plans I have: [insert the details of the plan]
3. The USP of my SaaS is [insert the USP of your SaaS]
4. My target audience is: [insert target audience name]
- Age:
- Location: 
- Gender: 
- Income level:
- Education and qualifications:
- Country Located
- Interests and behaviour
- Books/magazines they read:
- Gurus and influencers they follow:
5. Here are 5 pains they face:
- Pain #1
- Pain #2
- Pain #3
- Pain #4
- Pain #5
6. Here are the 5 dreams they want to achieve:
- Dream outcome #1
- Dream outcome #2
- Dream outcome #3
- Dream outcome #4
- Dream outcome #5
Using the above information, now fill in the blanks in the template and write a personalized email I can send out to my list.

If you think this is too much, I’d recommend creating a Persona page on Notion so that you can refer to it whenever you’re writing any copy or content.

This way, you won’t have to second guess your copy and writing emails will be a breeze.

Tap here to create your own persona page I use for my CLIENTS too!