Social Media Announcement

SUBJECT – Just posted: [x ways to XXXX, smart strategies for xxx]

Hey [NAME], I hope you’re having a fantastic day. Here’s something that can make it even better. I just posted [a video / a new podcast / an interview/ to the blog / on Facebook, etc.] and included [x ways to XXXX, smart strategies for xxx, etc]. If you’ve been struggling to [insert problem your content solves], go here to check it out [LINK]. Bring a paper and pen to take some notes…and then put it into action. And hey, let me know what you think. I always love hearing from you. To your success, [YOUR NAME]

Product Announcement

SUBJECT: As Promised – [Insert product benefit or product name] Hey [NAME], We’re ready for you, just as promised. Like I mentioned, if you [insert problem or desired outcome], pay close attention to this. The only catch is [insert scarcity items like limited time offer, limited numbers, etc.]. [sign up/register/pick up/order] this now and you’ll discover: ● Bullet point of benefits ● Bullet point of benefits ● Bullet point of benefits ● Bullet point of benefits This is the most complete system [or some other description applicable to the product] that includes: List of features that the customer will be interested in. Also try to state a benefit. Example: “Step-by-step checklist, so you can take action right away.” ● Feature + Benefit ● Feature + Benefit ● Feature + Benefit Click here to get the complete details and get in on this while you can. [LINK] If you’re tired of [problems your customers are having], don’t let it continue. Make the change today. To your success, [YOUR NAME]

Free Download

Subject: Free Download: [problem download solves or download name]

Hi there [NAME], If you need a bit of help [insert what your free download helps with], I recommend you go here right now [LINK] and get this [free report / free software, etc.]. It [helps you / shows you how to]: ● · Benefit #1 ● · Benefit #2 ● · Benefit #3 Click here to grab it [LINK]. Just do it quickly because it won’t be available long. To your success, [YOUR NAME]

Coming Soon Email

SUBJECT: Something big is coming soon… Hi [First Name],

Do you ever struggle with [some bad thing, such as “unwanted weight gain”]? Do you [have some other bad thing, like “low conversion rates”]. Do you ever [experience/have some other bad thing]? If you answered yes to even one of those questions, then you’ll be very happy to know that help is on the way. It’s coming on [date] – mark your calendar, because you won’t want to miss this. Simply put, you’re going to finally find out how to [get some really good result] and [get some other really good result] – simply, quickly and more easily than you ever thought possible. Are you ready? [sign off] P.S. Have you guessed yet what it is? Check this link to see if you’re right: [link to a Facebook discussion, blog post or even a “sneak peek” sales page if the launch date is close].

Thank You Email

SUBJECT - It’s Here! Your [What free gift you offered] Congratulations, [firstname]. You’re one step closer to [insert main benefit your freebie offers]. You can download your [insert your free offer name] at: [insert link] But before you go… [Insert Big Benefit Your Product Offers] If you’re ready to accelerate your [success/results], Sincerely, [Your Name]