
This email flow aims to nurture users and customers who have at least 1 paid plan (usually mid tier plan). We want to showcase our case studies, show transformation of our best success stories and use them to make them upgrade to the highest-paid plan


Replace the bold text in brackets with your own text.

Don't forget to add your "from" name and subject line in the emails.

Email #1: Thank You & Reassurance

Subject: I wanna say 'Thank You' 

Hey [User's Name],

Thank you for upgrading to [mid-tier plan]. With this, you can now do [insert task] 2x/5x/10x faster and better now. And let me tell you this:

You're not alone – my team and I are right here, cheering you on.

Remember, [mention key benefits] are now at your fingertips. Keep rocking, and let's make the most of this journey together!

Thank You again,
[Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt:

This is email #1 of the Case study email flow titled 'Thank You & Reassurance'. The aim of case study email flow is to get already-paying users to upgrade to the next paid plan. So for example, if they're on $19/mo plan currently, we want them to persuade them to our $37/mo plan with this email flow by showing social proof like case studies, testimonials and reviews.

The aim of this 'email' is to
- thank them for upgrading to their existing paid plan
- reassure them they've taken the right decision

Here's some more context and info that you might need to fill in the emails:
[paid plan name] = 
[insert task] = 
[mention key benefits] = 

Here's the template:
'Subject: I wanna say 'Thank You'

Hey [User's Name],

Thank you for upgrading to [paid plan name]. With this, you can now do [insert task] 2x/5x/10x faster and better now. And let me tell you this:

You're not alone – my team and I are right here, cheering you on.

Remember, [mention key benefits] are now at your fingertips. Keep rocking, and let's make the most of this journey together!

Thank You again,
[Your Name]'

Some more instructions:
- Write like a human writing to a human reader
- Avoid using complicated words
- Use 5th-grade reading-level language
- You're allowed to have a little bit of creativity and flexibility while writing the emails. You can elaborate on some parts of the email but make sure everything is relevant to the email and email flow.

Now write the email based on the template and info I've given and make sure to follow all the instructions.

Email #2: Customer Transformation Story #1

Subject: How [insert user name] went from [before] to [after]

Hello [User's Name],

Let me tell you about [insert user name]

He/she used to struggle with [struggle]. But you won't believe where he/she is now

[talk about the transformation journey in great detail]

From the lows to the highs, [Customer Name] discovered how [product name] could revolutionize their path. 

And I want it to happen to you too! You have taken the right steps. And I hope you take more right steps in the right direction!

To your own victories, [Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt:

This is email #2 of the Case study email flow titled 'Customer Transformation Story #1'. The aim of this case study email flow is to get already paying users to upgrade to the next paid plan. So for example, if they're on $19/mo plan currently, we want them to persuade them to our $37/mo plan with this email flow by showing social proof like case studies, testimonials and reviews.

The aim of this 'email' is to show case one solid case study of our successful user. Tell the reader about how the user was able to go from previous state to a successful state now with our SaaS.

Here's some more context and info that you might need to fill in the emails:
[insert user name] = 
[struggle] = 
[talk about the transformation journey in great detail] = 
[product name] = 

Here's the template:
'Subject: Meet Mike

Hello [User's Name],

Let me tell you about [insert user name]

He/she used to struggle with [struggle]. But you won't believe where he/she is now

[talk about the transformation journey in great detail]

From the lows to the highs, [insert user name] discovered how [product name] could revolutionize their path.

And I want it to happen to you too! You have taken the right steps. And I hope you take more right steps in the right direction!

To your own victories, [Your Name]'

Some more instructions:
- Write like a human writing to a human reader
- Avoid using complicated words
- Use 5th-grade reading-level language
- You're allowed to have a little bit of creativity and flexibility while writing the emails. You can elaborate on some parts of the email but make sure everything is relevant to the email and email flow.

Now write the email based on the template and info I've given and make sure to follow all the instructions.

Email #3: Customer Transformation Story #2

Subject: from went from [before] to [after]

Hello [User's Name],

[Insert user name] was just a [insert avatar name] like you.

He/she used to struggle with [struggle]. But you won't believe where he/she is now

[talk about the transformation journey in great detail]

From the lows to the highs, [Customer Name] discovered how [product name] could revolutionize their path. 

And I want it to happen to you too! You have taken the right steps. And I hope you take more right steps in the right direction!

To your own victories, [Your Name]

Email #4: Customer Transformation Story #3