1. Use MyIp.ms and scrape for websites
  2. Paste a list of websites into a Google Sheet
  3. Download as a CSV
  4. Upload CSV to Hunter.io and perform a bulk scrape for verified, personal emails only
  5. Download list of verified contact info from Hunter
  6. In Hunter.io create a custom metric called First_Line
  7. Upload verified list to a new Google Sheet
  8. Organize columns so that the website URL is first and then add a new column and title it First_Line
  9. This column for First_Line will be a sentence that you (or your VA) will write for each business that you wish to send a cold email to.
    1. This First_Line sentence must be unique enough that in cannot be sent to anyone else.
      1. Compliment them on a recent blog post, social post, how you like one of their products, a video they were recently in etc. Use whatever links are included to write something specific for that person.
      2. Another method would be for Real Estate. If you are trying to reach out to a real estate agent, trying asking about a current listing that they are promoting as way to engage first contact.
  10. After the first lines are complete upload the completed list back into Hunter.io as a new lead list.
    1. Map the First_Line column data to a custom metric that you added in step 6.
  11. Review, Confirm and Send.

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