
This email flow is used to get paying users to upgrade to the next/highest tier plan

For example: If you have 3 plans: $20/mo, $50/mo and $100/mo, this email flow will be triggered to those users who are using the $50/mo plan. We want them to pay for the $100/mo plan


Replace the bold text in brackets with your own text.

Don't forget to add your "from" name and subject line in the emails.

Email #1: Announce Discount on Next/Highest Tier Paid Plan

Subject: this is exclusive

Hey [User's Name],

I've got fantastic news that's too good to keep under wraps! 

For a limited time, I'm offering you an exclusive chance to upgrade to [highest tier] plan at a 50% discount – yes, you read that right.

Here's what you'll get:
[state the offer clearly with all relevant info]

This offer is valid from [start date] to [end date].

But let me tell you one thing – I don't do this every week or month.
I only do this maybe once every 3 months. And if you want to upgrade after  [end date], you'll have to do it at the original price

Here's the link to upgrade to the [highest tier] plan:

Best, [Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt:

This is email #1 of the Ascension Email Flow #2 titled 'Announce Discount on Next/Highest Tier Paid Plan'. The aim of Ascension Email Flow #2 is to encourage and persuade the user to upgrade to the next tier paid plan

The aim of this 'email' is to announce a limited-time discount on the next tier paid plan

Here's some more context and info that you might need to fill in the emails:
[state the offer clearly with all relevant info] = 
[paid plan tier name] = 
[Your Name] =

Here's the template:
'Subject: this is exclusive

Hey [User's Name],

I've got fantastic news that's too good to keep under wraps!

For a limited time, I'm offering you an exclusive chance to upgrade to [highest tier] plan at a 50% discount – yes, you read that right.

Here's what you'll get:
[state the offer clearly with all relevant info]

This offer is valid from [start date] to [end date].

But let me tell you one thing – I don't do this every week or month.
I only do this maybe once every 3 months. And if you want to upgrade after [end date], you'll have to do it at the original price

Here's the link to upgrade to the [paid plan tier name] plan:

Best, [Your Name]'

Some more instructions:
- Write like a human writing to a human reader
- Avoid using complicated words
- Use 5th-grade reading-level language
- You're allowed to have a little bit of creativity and flexibility while writing the emails. You can elaborate on some parts of the email but make sure everything is relevant to the email and email flow.

Email #2: Benefits Highlighting Email

Subject: imagine this

Hello [User's Name],

Imagine [paint a vivid picture of a worst-case scenario related to their pain point] – a scenario where [their problem persists or escalates]. It's not pretty, right?

But here's the good news: you have the power to change this outcome. You're simply overcomplicating it in your head.

Imagine [paint a vivid picture of the best-case scenario. Describe how they would feel as if they're actually using the product now]

Here's the link to upgrade to the [highest tier] plan:

Best, [Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt:

This is email #2 of the Ascension Email Flow #2 titled 'Benefits Highlighting Email'. The aim of Ascension Email Flow #2 is to encourage and persuade the user to upgrade to the next tier paid plan.

The aim of this 'email' is to talk about the emotional and logical benefits of upgrading to the paid plan and show them visually how our SaaS product improves their life

Here's some more context and info that you might need to fill in the emails:
[paint a vivid picture of a worst-case scenario related to their pain point] = 
[benefit #1] = 
[benefit #2] =
[paid plan tier name] = 
[Your Name] =

Here's the template:
'Subject: imagine this

Hello [User's Name],

Imagine [paint a vivid picture of a worst-case scenario related to their pain point] – a scenario where [their problem persists or escalates]. It's not pretty, right?

But here's the good news: you have the power to change this outcome. You're simply overcomplicating it in your head.

Imagine [paint a vivid picture of the best-case scenario. Describe how they would feel as if they're actually using the product now]

Here's the link to upgrade to the [paid plan tier name] plan:

Best, [Your Name]'

Some more instructions:
- Write like a human writing to a human reader
- Avoid using complicated words
- Use 5th-grade reading-level language
- You're allowed to have a little bit of creativity and flexibility while writing the emails. You can elaborate on some parts of the email but make sure everything is relevant to the email and email flow.

Email #3: Case Study Based Emotional Email

Subject: How [User's Name]'s went from [insert pain point] to [insert dream outcome]

Hey [User's Name],

A few weeks ago I was talking to [User's Name]. 
I remember when he/she started using the product, he/she wanted to [insert problem she wanted to solve]. She had no clue how to do it yet she jumped on.

Fast forward [X] months and now she is a [describe her accomplishment]. She has been using [insert your SaaS name] for more than [X] months now. 

She says
'[Insert here testimonial here]'

[Share the user's transformation story, highlighting their journey from before using the highest tier plan to the inspiring after].

Here's the link to upgrade to the [highest tier] plan:

Best, [Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt: