
This email is meant to convert them from free trial users to paid users by making them upgrade to paid plan.


Replace the bold text in brackets with your own text.

Don't forget to add your "from" name and subject line in the emails.

Email #1: Soft Paid Plan Intro

Subject: Imagine this

Hey [User's Name],

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine this: 
You're in the driver's seat, steering towards success with [Your SaaS Name]. You have long forgotten the [insert #1 problem they have] and now you're laughing at the fact you used to worry about it once.

The features you've been using have become second nature, seamlessly woven into your workflow. You have streamlined your tasks, your efficiency has skyrocketed, and the results? Oh, they're nothing short of incredible.

Picture yourself effortlessly [describe a key action or benefit of your product], watching as your efforts translate into tangible, remarkable outcomes. The excitement of reaching your goals and the thrill of experiencing growth. How would it feel? Doesn't it feel amazing?

Now, open your eyes. The journey you've just imagined? It's not far from reality. 

Eager to see your success, [Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt:

This is email #1 of the User upgrade Email Flow titled 'Soft Paid Plan Intro'. The aim User Upgrade Email Flow is to persuade the free user to upgrade to the first and least expensive paid plan. We want to get them to upgrade and become a paying customer

The aim of this 'email' is to tease about our paid plan and some things about it

Here's some more context and info that you might need to fill in the emails:
[Your SaaS Name] = 
[insert #1 problem they have] = 
[describe a key action or benefit of your product] = 

Here's the template:
'Subject: Imagine this

Hey [User's Name],

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine this:
You're in the driver's seat, steering towards success with [Your SaaS Name]. You have long forgotten the [insert #1 problem they have] and now you're laughing at the fact you used to worry about it once.

The features you've been using have become second nature, seamlessly woven into your workflow. You have streamlined your tasks, your efficiency has skyrocketed, and the results? Oh, they're nothing short of incredible.

Picture yourself effortlessly [describe a key action or benefit of your product], watching as your efforts translate into tangible, remarkable outcomes. The excitement of reaching your goals and the thrill of experiencing growth. How would it feel? Doesn't it feel amazing?

Now, open your eyes. The journey you've just imagined? It's not far from reality.

Eager to see your success, [Your Name]'

Some more instructions:
- Write like a human writing to a human reader
- Avoid using complicated words
- Use 5th-grade reading-level language
- You're allowed to have a little bit of creativity and flexibility while writing the emails. You can elaborate on some parts of the email but make sure everything is relevant to the email and email flow.

Email #2: Emotional agitation angle email

Subject: Don't Let This Happen... 😱

Hello [User's Name],

Imagine [paint a vivid picture of a worst-case scenario related to their pain point] – a scenario where [their problem persists or escalates]. It's not pretty, right?

But here's the good news: you have the power to change this outcome. You're simply overcomplicating it in your head.

If you had something to help you with this, it would've been easier right? Well, let me tell you, it is easy

I'll let you know 'how' in the next few days

Best, [Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt:

This is email #2 of the User upgrade Email Flow titled 'Emotional agitation angle email'. The aim User Upgrade Email Flow is to persuade the free user to upgrade to the first and least expensive paid plan. We want to get them to upgrade and become a paying customer

The aim of this 'email' is to agitate the core pain problem and frustration the user/reader is facing. We want to get them into an emotional state of mind after they read our email. We want them to visualize their pains and problems.

Here's some more context and info that you might need to fill in the emails:
[paint a vivid picture of a worst-case scenario related to their pain point] = 
[their problem persists or escalates] = 

Here's the template:
'Subject: Don't Let This Happen... 😱

Hello [User's Name],

Imagine [paint a vivid picture of a worst-case scenario related to their pain point] – a scenario where [their problem persists or escalates]. It's not pretty, right?

But here's the good news: you have the power to change this outcome. You're simply overcomplicating it in your head.

If you had something to help you with this, it would've been easier right? Well, let me tell you, it is easy

I'll let you know 'how' in the next few days

Best, [Your Name]'

Some more instructions:
- Write like a human writing to a human reader
- Avoid using complicated words
- Use 5th-grade reading-level language
- You're allowed to have a little bit of creativity and flexibility while writing the emails. You can elaborate on some parts of the email but make sure everything is relevant to the email and email flow.

Email #3: Logical agitation angle email

Subject: Let me show you this...

Hey [User's Name],

Let's talk numbers for a moment. Imagine the value you're getting from [Your SaaS Name] right now. Now, think about how [specific benefit of paid plan] could amplify that value, all while keeping the cost within reach.

[Show a comparison table showing you and your competitors value proposition side by side]

Ready to take the smart step forward?

Cheers, [Your Name]

ChatGPT Prompt:

This is email #3 of the User upgrade Email Flow titled 'Logical agitation angle email'. The aim User Upgrade Email Flow is to persuade the free user to upgrade to the first and least expensive paid plan. We want to get them to upgrade and become a paying customer

The aim of this 'email' is to explain to them logically how it makes sense for them to upgrade to our paid plan and what ROI they're getting. We're talking hard numbers and logical arguments.

Here's some more context and info that you might need to fill in the emails:
[Your SaaS Name] = 
[specific benefit of paid plan] = 
[Your Name] = 

Here's the template:
'Subject: Let me show you this...

Hey [User's Name],

Let's talk numbers for a moment. Imagine the value you're getting from [Your SaaS Name] right now. Now, think about how [specific benefit of paid plan] could amplify that value, all while keeping the cost within reach.

[Show a comparison table showing you and your competitors value proposition side by side]

Ready to take the smart step forward?

Cheers, [Your Name]'

Some more instructions:
- Write like a human writing to a human reader
- Avoid using complicated words
- Use 5th-grade reading-level language
- You're allowed to have a little bit of creativity and flexibility while writing the emails. You can elaborate on some parts of the email but make sure everything is relevant to the email and email flow.